Vitamin B-12 and Vitamin D

Cyano Cobalamin is an anti-inflammatory analgesic that works with calcium for absorption.  Critical to DNA synthesis and red blood cell formation; involved in all immune responses.  A specific for sulfite-induced asthma.  New research shows some success in cancer management, especially in tumor growth.  Energizes, relieves depression, hangover and poor concentration.  Supplied largely from animal foods, B-12 may be deficient for vegetarians, and a deficiency can take five or more years to appear after body stores are depleted.  Deficiency results in anemia, nerve degeneration, dizziness, heart palpitations and excess weight loss.  Long  use of cholesterol drugs, oral contraceptives, anti-inflammatory and anti-convulsant drugs deplete B-12.

  Good food sources: cheese, poultry, sea green, yogurt, eggs, organ meats, brewer's years and fish.

Vitamin D is a fat soluble vitamin.  D works with vitamin A to utilize calcium and phosphorus in building bones and teeth.  Although we call it a vitamin, D is really a hormone produced in the skin from sunlight.  Cholesterol compounds in the skin convert to a vitamin D precursor when exposed to UV radiation.  Twenty minutes a day of early morning sunshine make a real difference to our body's vitamin D stores, especially if you are at risk for osteoporosis.  Vitamin D helps in all eye problems including spots, conjunctivitis and glaucoma.  Helps protect against colon cancer.  Deficiency results in nearsightedness, psoriasis, soft teeth, muscle cramps and tics, slow healing, insomnia, nosebleeds, fast heartbeat and arthritis. 

Good food sources: cod liver oil, yogurt, cheese, butter, herring, halibut, salmon, tuna, eggs and liver.